In den letzten zehn Jahren sind die Preise für erneuerbare Energien erheblich gesunken, was die Wirtschaftlichkeit der Stromerzeugung grundlegend verändert hat. Dies hat zu einer Veränderung der Art und Weise geführt, wie die Welt ihren Strom erzeugt.

Bis vor weniger als einem Jahrzehnt entfiel der Grossteil der neuen Stromerzeugungskapazitäten auf fossile Brennstoffe, was den Preisaufschlag widerspiegelt, der in der Vergangenheit mit den erneuerbaren Energien verbunden war.

Wendepunkt für saubere Energie

Das Jahr 2015 markiert einen Wendepunkt: Mehr als die Hälfte der neuen Stromerzeugungskapazität stammt aus erneuerbaren Energien:

• 2006: 25 Prozent der weltweiten neuen Stromerzeugungskapazitäten stammen aus erneuerbaren Energien

• 2015: Anteil der erneuerbaren Energien erreicht 50 Prozent

• 2021: 80 Prozent der neuen Stromerzeugungskapazitäten sind erneuerbar1

Heute steht die Solarenergie an der Spitze der erneuerbaren Energiequellen. Im Jahr 2022 entfielen auf sie schätzungsweise 62 Prozent der jährlichen weltweiten Investitionen in erneuerbare Energien, womit sich der 2019 begonnene stetige Aufwärtstrend fortsetzt.2

Nicht in Stein gemeisselt

Der Grossteil der verbleibenden Investitionen in erneuerbare Energien entfällt auf Windkraftanlagen, die im Jahr 2022 25 Prozent der Gesamtinvestitionen ausmachten. Die Zukunft der sauberen Energie ist nicht in Stein gemeisselt und wird davon abhängen, ob Politiker, Entscheidungsträger aus der Unternehmenswelt und einfache Bürger die notwendigen Schritte unternehmen, um eine Klimakatastrophe zu vermeiden.

Die zahlreichen Zusagen aus aller Welt, die durch beträchtliche Investitionen und politische Unterstützung gestützt werden, lassen jedoch hoffen, dass weitere Fortschritte möglich sind.

Der L&G Clean Energy UCITS ETF richtet sich an Anleger, die das Wachstumspotenzial der steigenden Nachfrage nach umweltfreundlicheren Energielösungen nutzen wollen.

Sauberes Wasser

Etwa 70 Prozent der Erde sind mit Wasser bedeckt, aber nur etwa 3 Prozent davon sind Süsswasser, das heisst, es ist nicht salzhaltig und eignet sich für die Aufbereitung zu Trinkwasser. Von diesen 3 Prozent befinden sich zwei Drittel in gefrorenen Gletschern oder sind anderweitig unzugänglich.3

Durch das Bevölkerungswachstum wird dieses begrenzte Angebot immer knapper, und die UNO schätzt, dass die Nachfrage nach Süsswasser das Angebot bis 2030 um 40 Prozent übersteigen wird.4 Auch der Klimawandel verschärft das Problem.

Undichte Stellen im System

Ein dritter Faktor ist das Problem der undichten Stellen im System, durch die jedes Jahr 32 Milliarden Kubikmeter sauberes Wasser verloren gehen.Die digitale Technologie spielt bei der Bewältigung dieses Problems eine immer grössere Rolle: Wasserversorgungsunternehmen nutzen digitale Lösungen und Wassertechnologieanbieter, die Hightech-Geräte wie Sensoren und Cloud-Plattformen zur Überwachung einsetzen.

Das Endergebnis ist weniger Leckagen, was bedeutet, dass diese kostbarste aller natürlichen Ressourcen besser genutzt werden kann.

Der L&G Clean Water UCITS ETF zielt darauf ab, Anlegern ein Engagement in einem breit gefächerten Korb von Unternehmen zu bieten, die in der globalen Frischwasserwirtschaft und -verteilung tätig sind und das Potenzial von Wassertechnologien und digitalen Lösungen nutzen.

  • Wenn Sie mehr über unsere ETFs auf saubere Energie und natürliche Ressourcen erfahren möchten, kontaktieren Sie Patrick Lutz, Head of Distribution, Switzerland Wholesale bei LGIM Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!.

Quelle: IRENA 2022
2 Quelle: CPI, 2022
3 Quelle: Wildlife, 2023

Key risks

Past performance is not a guide to the future. The value of an investment and any income taken from it is not guaranteed and can go down as well as up, you may not get back the amount you originally invested. It should be noted that diversification is no guarantee against a loss in a declining market.

L&G Clean Energy UCITS ETF

Past performance is not a guide to the future. The value of an investment and any income taken from it is not guaranteed and can go down as well as up; you may not get back the amount you originally invested. As the Index includes micro, small and medium-sized publicly traded companies, the Fund is subject to the risk that such companies may be more vulnerable to adverse business or economic events and greater and more unpredictable price changes than larger companies or the stock market as a whole.

The Fund is subject to the risks associated with technology-focused companies that are particularly vulnerable to rapid developments in technology (which may leave their products out-of-date), government regulation and competition from domestic and foreign competitors who may have lower production costs.

Such companies may also have difficulties establishing and maintaining patents, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets relating to their products which could negatively affect their value. Third-party service providers (such as counterparties entering into FDIs with the Fund or the Company’s depositary) may go bankrupt and fail to pay money due to the Fund or return property belonging to the Fund.

If the Index provider stops calculating the Index or if the Fund’s license to track the Index is terminated, the Fund may have to be closed. It may not always be possible to buy and sell Shares on a stock exchange or at prices closely reflecting the NAV. There is no capital guarantee or protection on the value of the Fund. Investors can lose all the capital invested in the Fund.

Please refer to the «Risk Factors» section of the Company’s Prospectus and the Fund Supplement.

L&G Clean Water UCITS ETF

Past performance is not a guide to the future. The value of an investment and any income taken from it is not guaranteed and can go down as well as up; you may not get back the amount you originally invested.

As the Index includes micro, small and medium-sized publicly traded companies, the Fund is subject to the risk that such companies may be more vulnerable to adverse business or economic events and greater and more unpredictable price changes than larger companies or the stock market as a whole.

The Fund is subject to the risks associated with technology-focused companies that are particularly vulnerable to rapid developments in technology (which may leave their products out-of-date), government regulation and competition from domestic and foreign competitors who may have lower production costs.

Such companies may also have difficulties establishing and maintaining patents, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets relating to their products which could negatively affect their value. Third party service providers (such as counterparties entering into FDIs with the Fund or the Company’s depositary) may go bankrupt and fail to pay money due to the Fund or return property belonging to the Fund.

If the Index provider stops calculating the Index or if the Fund’s license to track the Index is terminated, the Fund may have to be closed. It may not always be possible to buy and sell Shares on a stock exchange or at prices closely reflecting the NAV. There is no capital guarantee or protection on the value of the Fund. Investors can lose all the capital invested in the Fund.

Please refer to the «Risk Factors» section of the Company’s Prospectus and the Fund Supplement.

Important information

This information provided herein does not constitute an offer of the Funds in Switzerland pursuant to the Swiss Federal Law on Financial Services («FinSA») and its implementing ordinance. This is solely an advertisement pursuant to FinSA and its implementing ordinance for the Funds.

Swiss Representative and Paying Agent: State Street Bank International GmBH Munich, Zurich Branch Beethovenstrasse 19, 8007 Zurich, Switzerland.

Availability of Documents: The prospectus, Key Information Documents (KIDs), the instruments of incorporation, annual report and subsequent semi-annual report and additional relevant documentation of the above-mentioned collective investment schemes are available free of charge from the Swiss representative and from Legal & General Investment Management Corporate Director Limited, One Coleman Street, London, EC2R 5AA, GB.

The information contained in this document (the ‘Information’) has been prepared by LGIM Managers Europe Limited (‘LGIM Europe’), or by its affiliates (‘Legal & General’, ‘we’ or ‘us’). Such Information is the property and/or confidential information of Legal & General and may not be disclosed by you to any other person without the prior written consent of Legal & General.

No party shall have any right of action against Legal & General in relation to the accuracy or completeness of the Information, or any other written or oral information made available in connection with this publication. Any investment advice that we provide to you is based solely on the limited initial information which you have provided to us.

No part of this or any other document or presentation provided by us shall be deemed to constitute ‘proper advice’ for the purposes of the Investment Intermediaries Act 1995 (as amended). Any limited initial advice given relating to professional services will be further discussed and negotiated in order to agree formal investment guidelines which will form part of written contractual terms between the parties.

The Information has been produced for use by a professional investor and their advisors only. It should not be distributed without our permission.A summary of investor rights associated with an investment in the Fund shall be available from The risks associated with each fund or investment strategy are set out in this publication, its KIID, the relevant prospectus or investment management agreement (as applicable) and these should be read and understood before making any investment decisions.

A copy of the English version of the prospectus of the Fund and the key investor information document relating to the Fund is available on and may also be obtained from your Client Relationship Manager. Where required under national rules, the key investor information document will also be available in the local language of the relevant EEA Member State.

Confidentiality and limitations:

Unless otherwise agreed by Legal & General in writing, the Information in this document (a) is for information purposes only and we are not soliciting any action based on it, and (b) is not a recommendation to buy or sell securities or pursue a particular investment strategy; and (c) is not investment, legal, regulatory or tax advice.

Any trading or investment decisions taken by you should be based on your own analysis and judgment (and/or that of your professional advisors) and not in reliance on us or the Information. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we exclude all representations, warranties, conditions, undertakings and all other terms of any kind, implied by statute or common law, with respect to the Information including (without limitation) any representations as to the quality, suitability, accuracy or completeness of the Information.

Any projections, estimates or forecasts included in the Information (a) shall not constitute a guarantee of future events, (b) may not consider or reflect all possible future events or conditions relevant to you (for example, market disruption events); and (c) may be based on assumptions or simplifications that may not be relevant to you.

The Information is provided ‘as is' and 'as available’. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Legal & General accepts no liability to you or any other recipient of the Information for any loss, damage or cost arising from, or in connection with, any use or reliance on the Information. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Legal & General does not accept any liability for any indirect, special or consequential loss howsoever caused and, on any theory, or liability, whether in contract or tort (including negligence) or otherwise, even if Legal & General has been advised of the possibility of such loss.

A decision may be taken at any time to terminate the arrangements made for the marketing of the Fund in any EEA Member State in which it is currently marketed. In such circumstances, investors in the affected EEA member state will be notified of this decision and will be provided with the opportunity to redeem their shareholding in the Fund free of any charges or deductions for at least 30 working days from the date of such notification.

Third party data:

Where this document contains third party data ('Third Party Data’), we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or reliability of such Third-Party Data and accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever in respect of such Third-Party Data.

Publication, amendments and updates:

We are under no obligation to update or amend the Information or correct any errors in the Information following the date it was delivered to you. Legal & General reserves the right to update this document and/or the Information at any time and without notice. Although the Information contained in this document is believed to be correct as at the time of printing or publication, no assurance can be given to you that this document is complete or accurate in the light of information that may become available after its publication.

The Information may not take into account any relevant events, facts or conditions that have occurred after the publication or printing of this document.

Telephone recording:

As required under applicable laws Legal & General will record all telephone and electronic communications and conversations with you that result or may result in the undertaking of transactions in financial instruments on your behalf. Such records will be kept for a period of five years (or up to seven years upon request from the Central Bank of Ireland (or such successor from time to time)) and will be provided to you upon request.

In the United Kingdom and outside the European Economic Area, it is issued by Legal & General Investment Management Limited, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, No. 119272. Registered in England and Wales No. 02091894 with registered office at One Coleman Street, London, EC2R 5AA.

In the European Economic Area, it is issued by LGIM Managers (Europe) Limited, authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland as a UCITS management company (pursuant to European Communities (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) Regulations, 2011 (S.I. No. 352 of 2011), as amended) and as an alternative investment fund manager with «top up» permissions which enable the firm to carry out certain additional MiFID investment services (pursuant to the European Union (Alternative Investment Fund Managers) Regulations 2013 (S.I. No. 257 of 2013), as amended).

Registered in Ireland with the Companies Registration Office (No. 609677). Registered Office: 70 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin, 2, Ireland. Regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland (No. C173733). LGIM Managers (Europe) Limited operates a branch network in the European Economic Area, which is subject to supervision by the Central Bank of Ireland. In Italy, the branch office of LGIM Managers (Europe) Limited is subject to limited supervision by the Commissione Nazionale per le società e la Borsa («CONSOB») and is registered with Banca d’Italia (no. 23978.0) with registered office at Via Uberto Visconti di Modrone, 15, 20122 Milan, (Companies’ Register no. MI - 2557936).

In Germany, the branch office of LGIM Managers (Europe) Limited is subject to limited supervision by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority («BaFin»). In the Netherlands, the branch office of LGIM Managers (Europe) Limited is subject to limited supervision by the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets («AFM») and it is included in the register held by the AFM and registered with the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce under number 74481231.

Details about the full extent of our relevant authorisations and permissions are available from us upon request. For further information on our products (including the product prospectuses), please visit our website. For investors in Switzerland only. This information provided herein does not constitute an offer of the Funds in Switzerland pursuant to the Swiss Federal Law on Financial Services («FinSA») and its implementing ordinance.

This is solely an advertisement pursuant to FinSA and its implementing ordinance for the Funds. For the Legal & General UCITS ETF PLC: Swiss Representative and Paying Agent: State Street Bank International GmBH Munich, Zurich Branch Beethovenstrasse 19, 8007 Zurich, Switzerland. © 2023 Legal & General Investment Management Limited.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying and recording, without the written permission of the publishers.